Thursday, July 9, 2009

What's my age again?

Here are a few funny random things that happened at the O'Quinn house this week:
Well this part isn't funny, but on Sunday night we had TERRIBLE storms in Griffin, thankfully our house was not damaged. SO to survive being without power Brian and I decided to break out a the card game Rook that someone gave us as a wedding gift. Since the power has come back on we have played several times. On Wednesday night, we found ourselves playing cards and solving puzzles on Wheel of Fortune. At that moment, I was very curious to know where was the breaking point between being young and fun and living like I was in a retirement village in Boca?
Funny thing number two- Tonight while at wal mart, Brian and I found a dog harness that was really made to go on a something like a Yorkie. We have been in the market for a small harness for quite some time because we have been in need of a way to take Torrie, our declawed housecat (who also spends all of her spare time devising ways to escape the house), outside. Turns out cats don't like leashes or harnesses so much. Maybe she will get used to it. However, I am glad no one drove by our house tonight while we were dragging Torrie around the front yard.
Now keep in mind, we have the best of intentions in doing this, and no animals were harmed!
On a not funny or random note, I think we might have won the battle of the fleas! We got a comfortis pill tonight, and thus far it has worked. Keep your fingers crossed that it will continue to work for the month that the box says it will.
here is a recipe:
Coffee Ice Cream
2 C. Heavy Cream
1 C. Whole Milk
2-3 TBSP. Instant Coffee or Espresso
2/3 C. Sugar
Whip cream to custard consistency, add sugar, dissolve coffee into milk, fold milk into cream.
Put into ice cream freezer

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